Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Tonight's Dinner

Tonight's dinner wasn't anything special, but I did like that more than half the contents were home grown.
A bed of lettuce with cilantro, radishes and lemon basil topped by taquitos and sour cream with minced dried cayenne peppers (from last years garden), rice and a beer. We are not home-brewing our own beer yet, but that is a dream of mine, some day. So if you couldn't guess the non home grown ingredients: taquitos, sour cream rice and beer. But we have talked about making our own taquitos, I think that is very feasible. The next time we make some homemade tortillas we just need to save a few to wrap and then fry as taquitos (although this leans heavily on Julia's expertise, mine tends to run more for the outdoors).


  1. I kind of disagree with you about it not being special. The fact that you guys grew half of it and then cooked it and I am guessing everyone contributed in one of those areas makes it plenty special. And it certainly looks tasty!

  2. Looks fantastic! It's so nice to eat something you grew yourself!
