Monday, April 15, 2013

Fruit Tree & Berries (The Gifts that Will Keep Giving)

We now have a a peach tree and three blueberry bushes. They were all gifts, ones that with proper (but minimal care) will keep on giving year after year. The Reliance Peach tree was a gift from Julia's parents. The Reliance is the variety that the kids helped me choose, one that is known for as a consistent cropper of sweet, juicy, yellow-fleshed, freestone peaches.

The three blueberry bushes were a birthday present to me from Julia. The bushes are three different varieties that will yield fruit at different times, so hopefully giving us a more or less continuous supply of blueberries through the growing season. The Reka is the early season, Bluecrop the mid season, and Darrow the late-mid season.

The kids picked out and then started the seeds for the plants that they chose to grow. Antonio was super excited to start his "Pizza Garden" that our friends the Klein's gave him last summer when we moved away from Georgia. He carefully wrote out all the labels himself for the seeds, which consist of all the main ingredients to make a pizza.

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